This site and the associated podcast are designed to give insights into how we can discover, sustain, or regain hope. I pray that if your hope is being challenged that you will find information to help you. You will find a collection of spiritual and secular information from a variety of sources as together we journey to hope.

If you have any questions or comments, or wish to share with me something you’ve discovered during your journey to hope, please email me using the email link in the footer. Remember, no one walks alone!

What is hope What is True HopeChallenges to Hope
Hope can be understood in two primary ways. One is the view that we would like for something to happen, or not happen. This form of hope is what we commonly think of and is almost like wishing for something to happen or not happen.

The second form of hope is to have confident assurance or expectation in something. This is the form of hope that we want. This form of hope helps us plan for a future.

True hope and everlasting hope is found in our Lord, Jesus Christ. As we grow in our relationship with our Lord, our hope grows. There is no limit to the hope one finds through Jesus.

Our Lord offers a wonderful invitation to come to Him and let Him share your burden that challenges your hope. In Matthew 11:28 He states: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (English Standard Version)

There are many things that challenge our hope but a common challenge is to not have a strong view of the future. The weaker our view of the future, the weaker our hope. The converse is also true. The stronger our view of the future the stronger our hope.

The more confident we are in a future, the greater our hope. The greater our hope, the greater our motivation to continue and to grow and experience a rich full life.

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